this is part of a tabled longer project, ALYOSHA, that was meant to be a continuation of Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. i dont plan to finish that project and also dont want to lose these letters, so while they are incomplete and a bit laden with references both to BK and to my own writing, i hope they can stand on their own and communicate something that i felt grusha and mitya wanted to communicate with each other, but didnt get to, in their time in BK *** grusha's letter, one oh mitenka... the flowers are grooming... the grame is in the grammy and i'm. alooking for the arm the leg the part the held i saw you bow down beneath the bed i saw the police is saw the pull and then that flash of innocense, like a liinner across the room.. for the first time you held me in a way ara ara ara ara verbatim and i took the lower the levy the change and i lifted my body up the river we found a rhythm we saw the language we grabbed it like a fish swimming alongside and seeing the golde petals in the tide the hand in the cool water the changing ever ohhhh mitenka.. oh my mitya... oh and the dream alyosha of our heaqds on the pavement mitenka's letter, one grusha as if a change in the bend of the evers, the ethers, i dreamed i wasa ll wet with dew and alyosha was there, the picycle, i showed him how to press on it with the thuymb to relieve the slightest hint of tension like the stiff neck of my father.. oh he slurped up the hip as if a chalice with wine spilling over, the red wine spilled on the femur the be lit like a sacrifice to sooth sayi to the lord,, but whom will we feed the animals too when the sacrifice is verbodfen like the paintings in the web..... when the spider crawl a down and wrap us up, i look to you, the police are coming in and the wrapped web is suddenly as sparkling as the web in the cobweb morning with the pellets of the rain, through one prism i see you clear as a thousand crystals of light.. do you see me grusha? do you see me from my arms above my head with my hands on a chair to release my shoulders which have never known a natural sleep as long as i dont hold you, in myyy arms, i rest to hold you and i shall not sleep walking sleepless from the east of the russian station to the west i will, covered in sea water and accumulating rain, walk to you, whetehr or not we are dreamed of covered in rain and treembling and i will call out your name like a child's vision of a serieis of torches lit across the country side the medssage will though it is merely breath travel across the land faster than the speed of light ALYOSHA grusha's letter, two i watch you crumble changing and overlasting trembling in the cell which is the paupers sleeve i lift up my sleeves and a something for you is spilling out the pollen of my tree blossoms but i close a receptible to not let it be witheheld unless you too are on a similiar sundial and thus your receptors close as well i saw you bend bow beneath me i saw the moment of the crystal light of you all different colours like the gems in the breastplace of the priest i saw the cherubim glimpse at each other for a moment and now i am all the bad thoughts go to one place they stewe there they keep me away even from myself but in the midst of wild strawberry madness you envisioned me by the river you walk with your arms withheeld towards me teh bugs the pedals of the flower the wind pick up your alms and go faster across the country until it is one large wind that passes by my temples and like the temple of old i am the tabernacle i travel acrosss the continent fromwest to east i roll in the grass i pick up the smell of all i passed i see an dlove you from the low ALYOSHA i see you call my name i light the sacred torch this one is green not orange and off goes the smoke back towards you there goes the moon we both kiss it due it wishes it could lift out its a4rms and hold us close bringing us closer ascending to the moon until from upon thee trees i see you beoing witheld closely and i call out to you the bad in me all goes to one place will our badness meet like two rivers losing their name and then purifiyikng their waters like two fish we swim upstream we lose our names in the water we hhave to speak i havet o speak to you to realize this heaven before th eriver that runs wildly under my eyes and yours i trust it i marry you have you avbe. b eo i have myself be wildly to you like the trembling you arms wrunning across from me and like a single breath picking up surrounding air the whold world moves mitenka's letter, part two towards you with the wind trembling and shaking each tree, each tree each silent tree in the mounts unbenkolwnsnt to man it takes for the waters as the waters as are changing there is something deathly in the water bu tit empties in to the ocean vast and melting with glaciers the ocean salty and killling event he deepest pain i am the mummy i am held in your temple the sun reaches to abagge of the templte it reaches the peak of the pyramid where the last pbrick was gallantly laid teh darkness sweeps over egypt i see lightness in your house i walk out between you mef and the death angel and i am spared for i walk to you in love i pour my heart out over my house i paint my walls a wild colour for you awaiting your step grusha 3 and i step lightly to you across the abysinnian plane for we have both given our eyes our necks and our legs mitenka 3 and our arms and i lay my arms cut bleeding for you to form a river for you to row up grusha you are dying by the river bed i find you with the deer nearby and try to merge its waters with yours but you are floating down the riverbed mitenka you are the fish and i am the blood grusha and in holy corruption mitenka blood & salt both meet the sea